Resurge Your Life Today

Resurge Your Life Today
Resurge Your Life Today

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Top 10 Common Foods That Boost Heart Health

Top 10 Common Foods That Boost Heart Health

1. Almonds: Almonds are one of the most nutrient dense nuts of all. They are loaded with the goodness of heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, and fiber. Eating almonds on a regular basis is said to have a powerful effect on lowering of blood cholesterol.

2. Avocados: Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is a type of healthy "good fats". Adding an avocado in your daily diet can effectively reduce cholesterol according to many scientific studies.

3. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, lime, tangerine and grapefruits are excellent to reduce ischemic load on the heart, thereby preventing from blockages and plaque build-up.

4. Lentils: Pulses, legumes, and beans are high in protein, and a high protein diet has been linked with at least a twenty percent reduction in the occurrence of heart diseases, if consumed regularly.

5. Oats: oats has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant phytonutrients which prevents atherosclerotic build-up and maintains arterial function. Oats also lowers blood cholesterol levels so that less cholesterol struck in arteries which leads to an easy flow of blood and reduces the risk of heart disease.

6. Pomegranate: Regular consumption of pomegranate is well known to prevent damage to the arterial walls. It improves the blood flow to the heart, and helps in lowering of blood pressure. Pomegranate can effectively prevent or reverse atherosclerosis.

7. Spinach: Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other nutrients in spinach work together in order to prevent oxidized cholesterol building in blood vessels walls. Spinach also has Folate, Vitamin B6, and betaine which lower the serum levels of amino acid homocysteine. Homocysteine is associated with heart diseases, stroke, and age-related cognitive decline.

8. Strawberry: Strawberry lowers the levels of total and LDL level of cholesterol which is also called "bad" cholesterol. They are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanin which prevents oxidative stress and inflammation that contributes to the development of heart disease.

9. Tomatoes: Lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Tomatoes have potassium that helps in lowering blood pressure by taking some of the sodium out of the body, and by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels.

10. Walnuts: Walnuts reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Walnuts lower risk of heart diseases in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Walnuts are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids which improve cognitive function and prevent obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease.

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Top 10 Common Foods That Boost Heart Health

Top 5 Yoga Poses For Immunity And Blood Circulation

Top 5 Yoga Poses For Immunity And Blood Circulation

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice and its benefits are not unknown to the world. Useful in prevention and cure, yoga is one of the healthiest practices one can include in their routine to keep their mind and body healthy. Proper breathing can help better health and the benefits of breathing exercises are multi-fold.

Here are 5 Yoga poses that help health, fitness, improves blood circulation and boosts immunity.

Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose
Cobra pose or the bhujangasana helps in strengthening the respiratory system.
The Bhujangasana or the cobra pose is a back bending pose in Yoga that can be beneficial in preventing viral infections. It strengthens the respiratory system and also aids in digestion. Healthy respiratory and digestive systems act as strong walls against any such infections.

Shishuasana or the Child's Pose
Child's pose helps in relieving stress and improving immunity.
The child's pose helps in relieving stress - major reason for weak immunity and calms down the nervous system. It improves blood flow and circulation and therefore is a beneficial pose in building immunity of the body and keeping infections away.

Setu Bandhasana or the Bridge Pose
Bridge pose improves immunity and strength of the body.
The bridge pose gives a good stretch to the chest, neck and spine and therefore helps strengthen the respiratory system. The bridge pose is extremely beneficial in asthma and sinus, and also great for building immunity against air-borne viruses.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Dog Pose
Downward dog pose helps in draining out congestion.
The downward dog pose is great to drain the congestion in your respiratory tract which could occur from sinus or any other reason like a common cold. It is a great yoga pose to improve the efficiency of the respiratory tract and therefore can help keep the infections away. The pose also helps in improving circulation.

Kapal Bhati Pranayam or Controlled breathing
Controlled breathing known as Kapal Bhati Pranayam is very beneficial in preventing infections as it keeps the energy flowing and improves blood circulation.

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Top 5 Yoga Poses For Immunity And Blood Circulation

Friday, February 1, 2019

Top 5 Permanent Belly Fat Loss Tips

Top 5 Permanent Fat Loss Tips

Weight Loss For 60s

Permanent Weight Loss For 60s


Eat More, Weigh Less.

Losing weight is not about deprivation; it's about detoxing your body and eating super-foods that burn up quickly, revving up your metabolism so you sizzle off calories all day and all-night long.

Reduce Stress, Lose Fat.

This new rule is about reducing your chronically high stress levels, a critical part of losing weight. Follow THIS advice and you will feel less stressed and release more body fat.

Eliminate Toxins, Drop Pounds

Did you know that most of the processed food on grocery store shelves contains harmful substances?

The common food toxins found in processed foods include:

    Nitrates in processed luncheon meats
    Omega-6 fatty acids in oils from cottonseed, corn, soybean, safflower, and others
    Processed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) commonly found in soda
    GMOs or Genetically modified foods
    Residues from pharmaceuticals, manufacturing chemicals, and other toxins in meat, eggs,  and dairy
    Pesticides and herbicides in conventionally grown produce and grain

When combined, all these toxic factors can result in low levels of fat-burning hormones and high levels of fat-storing hormones in the body, and this dreaded combination can sabotage your fat loss efforts and ruin your chances at having the slender body you want.

It's not just how much you eat, it's what you eat.

Re-balance Hormones, Release Stored Fat.

Due to cutting-edge research, we now know that the hormone 'Noradrenaline' may hold the key to unlocking fat cells and shrinking them - it's what causes the action of the incredible shrinking fat cell.

Noradrenaline is a stimulant hormone that signals your body to start using your belly fat for energy. The takeaway here? The more Noradrenaline produced in the body, the more pounds the body naturally sheds.

Exercise Less,
Lose More Weight.

Scientists have made astonishing discoveries, and a recent breakthrough is something scientists call the exercise "sweet spot."

Your sweet spot is the exercise intensity level where the full fat-burning power of your body is unleashed so your body draws on fat stores for fuel.

You are not exercising harder. You are exercising smarter.

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